
"Pay close attention to that man behind the curtain!"

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Have you ever seen an earthworm box?

Is "box" a noun or a verb?

You've surely heard of the "Ugly Duckling," "Cinderella," "rags-to-riches" tales where someone "down on their luck" makes something "good" of themselves. When I read the title of an article in Taiwan's tabloid Scoop Weekly called, "Problem Student Becomes Legislator: Chiu Yi, Fiery Interpellator," I knew this wasn't one of those kinds of stories.

The Chinese-language article says that when he was in school, Chiu "loved to fight" so he studied "all kinds of Chinese boxing." In the eyes of Chiu's school disciplinarian, however, he was a "problematic individual."

According to my own observations, he has remained so. The Scoop article says that while in school, Chiu was "a meddler," but that he had a "good brain." If the latter was ever true, some things have obviously changed. Chiu is still messing around where he has no business doing so. He has also continued to bring lots of attention to himself, though it's certainly the wrong kind -- charges of treason -- and many of his actions taken while a legislator are harming Taiwan both directly (by creating social instability) and indirectly (by harming Taiwan's international reputation).

Despite turning from slug(ger) to earthworm, Chiu still leaves trails of slime wherever he goes.
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