
"Pay close attention to that man behind the curtain!"

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Pan-blues obsessed with death

Demonstrate once again that Ma Ying-jeou's apology meant nothing

KMT chairman Ma Ying-jeou spoke to a crowd of supporters in Kaohsiung, Taiwan yesterday afternoon to rally for the recall of President Chen Shui-bian (DPP).

Not only did Ma speak Mandarin and Hoklo (Taiwanese) to the crowd (yet another double standard?), but if you remember Ma's recent fake "apology" about "set[ting] a bad example for society" after saying that President Chen would "die a horrible death" if he didn't step down, less than two weeks later, he is rallying the already incensed rabble in front of funeral photos of President Chen and first lady Wu Shu-jen. Chen's photo is captioned with the words "Taiwan's Marcos" in reference to the Filipino dicatator Ferdinand Marcos. The black placard below Wu's photo uses a phrase common to funerals, while simultaneously attempting to make fun of Minister of Education Tu Cheng-sheng. ("音容宛在" is the correct version, and "音容苑在" is the one that was supposedly penned by a security guard at the Ministry of Education and sent to the family of a recently deceased professor, but the KMT wrote it as "音容'夗'在.")

It isn't the first time pan-blues and their supporters have done this kind of thing either. After the 2004 presidential election, the crybaby sore losers gathered on Ketagelan Boulevard in front of the Presidential Office and placed mock-up funeral photos of Chen before the news cameras -- and this just after Chen had been shot by a pan-blue supporter.

Ma Ying-jeou is the one who needs to be recalled!

Further reference:
* Chinese funeral photos
* A fake funeral photo for former president Lee Teng-hui, made by KMT supporters
* A similar photo at the funeral of Chinese actor Fu Biao
* Colors and styles will vary.
* Here's one in yellow.
* Similar effect on a wreath at a Hakka funeral
* Here are two cartoon funeral photos of Chen Shui-bian (dated June 14, 2006, 8:13 AM -- the same day as Ma's "apology") on a Chinese web site. Note the person with the gun at bottom right of the second image. The text on that image says, "Today we take down Liar Bian."

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